We bet you have seen a guy who was recently sporting these and you wanted to know where to get them. Perhaps you are looking for that special signature look, using the most natural materials that are environment friendly.
Most sneakers are made of plastic and other harmful materials but there is one recent shoe that has come out recently and is ideal for the protection of the Earth. This sneaker is called the "Vans 106 SF". It was created with quite a few different features and is also made from bamboo. This is a wonderful shoe for any environmentalist out there!
With its Vanslite technology, the 105 SF shoe contains something called Dri-Lex which has it's own footbed made of bamboo. This is definitely a step ahead of your normal technology and if much of the population wore this particular shoe - it would better help our world. Besides, every day thousands of people throw away old shoes and it can really pile up with all the harmful materials. The upper half of this sneaker is made from Hemp and a special ink made from water and glue. Not to worry, these materials are strong and will keep everything in place for years to go.
This shoe sneaker usually comes in a green color with yellow laces but you could always pick up a black shoe if green is not for you. Once you slip your feet in, the bottom foot-bed will cushion your feet, allowing them to rest easily. This shoe was made during 2009 and its popularity continues to increase, due to the wide demand for this sneaker.
Make sure you take care of it with great respect and it will help your feet get through any situation. One particular place that features the Vans 106 SF is over at Jacks Surfboards in case you want to know where you can find these shoes. In your average shoe store, you may have trouble finding it because this shoe is often not in stock because of the high demand.
Not to worry though because there are many online to choose from. Remember that this awesomely designed shoe will not only bring attention to your feet but it also allows your toes to rest comfortably, rather than being cramped in other shoes that you have dealt with before.

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